So it's not an original idea, but it's still a project. 365 Pony Up Pictures in a year or a couple two three.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Take Me Out to The Ball Game...

279 Pony Up

Location: Safeco Field - Seattle, WA

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Seeing Red

280 Pony Up

Location: Seattle Public Libarary, Red Floor

Hoh Pony

281 Pony Up

I almost didn't see the horse for the trees. 

Location: Hoh Rain Forest, Olympic National Park, WA

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sailin' ....

282 Pony Up

takes me away to where I'm going

Part of my made up lyrics to the Christopher Cross song along with "the can do's can do miracles" - its the "canvas can do miracles" -  I think my lyrics are better. 

Location: Gig Harbor, WA